AWS vs. Google Cloud vs. Microsoft Azure: Which is Best for Cloud Migration

June 20, 2022


Migrating to the cloud has become more prevalent in recent years. The cloud offers businesses scalability, flexibility, and accessibility to their data and applications. However, choosing the right cloud provider for your company can be a challenging task. Today, we'll compare the top three cloud providers: AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Without further ado, let's dive in and see which cloud provider is the best for your organization!

Market Share

Market share is one of the key factors when it comes to choosing a cloud service provider. AWS, being the pioneer of cloud services, shares the largest market share with 32%, followed by Azure with 19%, and Google Cloud with 7%. AWS's dominance can be attributed to its vast range of services and their maturity. Although Microsoft Azure may seem like it has a long way to go, they are more favored by larger enterprises who value security, regulatory and compliance requirements.


Pricing is also a significant factor to consider when choosing a cloud service provider. AWS offers pay-as-you-go and reserved instance pricing models, with the latter being a preferred option for some businesses due to reduced costs. Google Cloud provides automatic discounts for long-running workloads and custom pricing based on usage, making it an attractive option for businesses with unpredictable workloads. Microsoft Azure's pricing is competitive, with a per-minute billing system and reserved capacity discounts.


All three cloud providers offer features such as virtual machines, storage, and databases. Still, their services' specifics and availability vary based on location and region. AWS provides the broadest range of services, with over 175 different service offerings. Google Cloud offers over 90 services, with a focus on data and analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Microsoft Azure has fewer services than its competitors, but its services are integrated with other Microsoft products such as Office 365 and SharePoint.

Performance and Reliability

Performance and reliability are key considerations for most companies when it comes to choosing a cloud service provider. AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure all provide high levels of uptime reliability, with AWS leading the pack with an average uptime of 99.99%. Google Cloud ranks second, with an average uptime of 99.95%, while Microsoft Azure maintains an average uptime of 99.9%.

User Interface and Support

AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure all offer user-friendly interfaces with easy-to-use dashboards to manage your cloud infrastructure. AWS and Google Cloud provide 24/7 support, while Microsoft Azure has a robust community forum that can address most issues.


Choosing the right cloud service provider can be challenging, as each provider offers a unique set of advantages, disadvantages, features, and pricing. AWS is the most established cloud service provider with the most extensive range of services, but cost more than Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, which offer more competitive pricing. Ultimately, choosing the right cloud service provider is based on your unique cloud migration needs and requirements.


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